Available models in Iran
Zimmer - Screw–Vent

Diameter 3.7 - 4.1 - 4.7 - 6
Height 8 - 10 - 11.5 - 13 - 16

Zimmer - SwissPlus
Diameter 3.7 - 4.8
Height 8 - 10 - 12 - 14

Zimmer - Trabecular |
Diameter 4.1 - 4.7 - 6
Height 10 - 11.5 - 13

For more information Click on the above pictures
+ Advantages
- MTX Surface ---> Increase bone and implant contact
- Trabecular metal dental implant
- Use of impression in SwissPlus package as final abutment
- Available in different sizes and models
- Compatible with the most of other implant systems
- Disadvantages
- Useless of the impression in SwissPlus package for non-prosthetic dentist

1. Tapered Screw – Vent Family
1-1 Tapered Screw – Vent Implant System
1-2 Screw – Vent Implant System
1-3 Advent Implant System
1-4 One – Piece Implant System
2. SwissPlus
3. Trabecular Metal Dental Implant
4. Spline
1. Tapered Screw – Vent Family
1-1 Tapered Screw – Vent Implant System

- Two-stage or single-stage implant system
- Internal hex connection ---> Abutment stability and virtually eliminates micromovment
- Tapered implant body ---> Facilitates initial implant stability and it placement
- MTX or MP-1 HA surface
- Self-Tapping and triple –lead threads
1-2 Screw – Vent Implant System
- Internal hex connection ---> Forms a virtual "cold weld" between the implant and abutment ---> Prevent screw loosening and maintain level

- MTX Surface ---> Enhances bone apposition and efficient self-tapping
- Self-Tapping ---> Reduces surgical time
- Triple-lead threads ---> Faster insertion
- Color code guide
1-3 Advent Implant System
- Single-stage implant system ---> Minimizes valuable chair time and lessens patient trauma
- Immediate loading protocol
- Tapered design ---> Enhances initial stability
- Internal hex connection
1-4 One – Piece Implant System
- Zimmer One-Piece Implants bring greater simplicity and convenience to the restoration process and offering a unique one-piece solution for fast, convenient immediate restoration with minimal or no abutment preparation.
- The 3.0mm Zimmer One-Piece Implant is indicated for small incisor locations. The 3.7mm and 4.7mm Zimmer One-Piece Implant are indicated for all tooth locations, allowing for versatility to choose between a Tapered Screw-Vent Implant or Zimmer One-Piece Implant in a large variety of cases. Because Tapered Screw-Vent and Zimmer One-Piece Implants share a common body design and similar drilling sequence, the clinician may alter their treatment plan between these one-piece and two-piece implants at any time during planning or placement.

- Color-coded snap-on impression caps ---> Simple abutment-level impressions
- Provisional copings ---> Facilitate the creating provisional crowns
- Abutment analogs and waxing copings ---> Assist the laboratory in final crown fabrication
The Contour Restorative Kit includes an impression cap, provisional coping, waxing coping and abutment analog.

2. Tapered SwissPlus
- Single-stage implant ---> Simplifies your implant cases and Time savings
- Packaged with an all-in-one Fixture Mount/Transfer ---> Used for insertion, impression taking and as a customized final abutment
- Self-tapping flutes ---> Eliminate a step in the placement process
- Double lead threads ---> Faster implant insertion
- Tapered body design ---> Increases initial stability and osseocompression in soft bone
- Narrow diameter platform ---> Tight interdental spaces
- Full assortment of SwissPlus prosthetics ---> Supports all possible restorative needs
- Internal connection ---> Enhanced sense of engagement and reduced micromovement
- Narrow 3.7mm Tapered SwissPlus implant design has an internal hexagon platform and all other diameters have Internal octagon connection.
- MTX surface ---> Enhanced bone apposition, greater bone-to-implant contact with higher removal torque values
3. Trabecular metal dental implant

- Material: Tantalum
- Uniform three-dimensional cellular architecture
- Biocompatible
- Similar to cancellous bone
- More than 80% porosity
- Interconnected pores network ---> Bone ongrowth and bone ingrowth (osseoincorporation)
- Coronal, apical and internal implant structures are made of titanium alloy (Ti‐6Al‐4V, grade 5) with MTX surface
- Internal hex connection
- Apical self-tapping threads
4. Spline
4-1 Spline Twist
- Spline Implant Connection ---> Interdigitating projections and slots ---> Form a precise lock between Spline implant and abutment ---> Reduce joint failure
- Three self-tapping spiral flutes ---> Reduce surgical time, greater implant stability and decreased lateral play
- Snap Delivery System ---> Simple, convenient, and sterile insertion
- MTX or MP-1 HA surface
4-2 Spline Reliance HA Cylinder
- Spline Implant Connection
- MP-1 HA surface
- Comparison of Resonance Frequency Analysis and of Quantitative Ultrasound to Assess Dental Implant Osseointegration. Sensors (Basel). 2018 May; 18(5): 1397.
- Development and Applications of Porous Tantalum Trabecular Metal Enhanced Titanium Dental Implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014 Dec; 16(6): 817–826.
- A retrospective study on a series of 556 zimmer dental implants. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2012 Dec; 9(Suppl 2): S181–S185.