Geass References

Published : Modified :09/29/2024


  • Duvina M, Mascherini C, Brancato L, Viviani C, Duvina G, Borgioli A, Di Narda F, Tonelli P. New laser implant surfaces: in vitro effect of bone cells adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. Scientific Poster. European Association for Osseointegration - 17th Annual Scientific Poster. Congresso Nazionale dei Docenti di Odontoiatria e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale. 22-25 aprile 2009, Roma, Italia.


  • Duvina M, Tonelli P, Del Frate S, Aleo E, Viviani C, Borgioli A, Delle Rose G, Amunni F, Giannelli M, Duvina G. Chemical properties of a new laser titanium implant surface. Scientific Poster. European Association for Osseointegration 2009. 18th Scientific Meeting. 30 settembre-3 ottobre 2009, Principato di Monaco.


  • De Benedittis S, Berardi D, Malagola C, Trisi P, Perfetti G. Histomorphometric and torque out evaluation of new laser treated implant surfaces: an in vivo study on ovine iliac crest. Scientific Poster. European Association for Osseointegration 2009. 18th Scientific Meeting. 30 settembre-3 ottobre 2009, Principato di Monaco.


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  • De Benedittis S, Berardi D, Malagola C, Trisi P, Perfetti G. Histomorphometric and torque out evaluation of new laser treated implant surfaces: an in vivo study on ovine iliac crest.


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  • Aleo E, Graziani F. Protein adsorption on a laser-modified titanium implant surface.


  • Graziani F, Cei S, Barachini S, Legitimo A, Consolini R, Gabriele M. Primary bone cell adhesion on various newly engineereed titanium surfaces: in vitro effect of regular roughness. Scientific Poster. European Association for Osseointegration - 16th Annual Scientific Meeting. 25-27 ottobre 2007, Barcellona, Spagna.


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  • Sinjari B, Guarnieri S, Diomede F, Merciaro I, Mariggio MA, Caputi S, Trubiani O. Influence of titanium laser surface geometry on proliferation and on morphological features of human mandibular primary osteoblasts. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2012 Jul-Sep;26(3):505-13.


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