Low Level Laser Therapy - Oral Maladies

Published : Modified :10/08/2024 - Categories : Article , Scientific Blog

Low Level Laser Therapy: A Panacea for oral maladies

To review the applications of low level laser therapy on various soft and hard oral tissues.

A variety of therapeutic effects of Low Level Laser Therapy have been reported on a broad range of disorders.

It has been found amenably practical in dental applications including soft as well as hard tissues of the oral cavity.

LLLT has been found to be efficient in acceleration of wound healing, enhanced remodelling and bone repair, regeneration of neural cells following injury, pain attenuation, endorphin release stimulation and modulation of immune system.

The aforementioned biological processes induced by Low level lasers have been effectively applied in treating various pathological conditions in the oral cavity.

With is article, we attempt to review the possible application of Low Laser Therapy in the field of dentistry.

Source:PMID: 26557737 PubMed

Publication date: 2015 Oct 2

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