Biodinamica - Pumice Powder

Expired date: 01/31/2027 (2027-01-31)

  • 7250
  • In stock
  • Free

Pay in installments

Choose your plan:

Current plan: 3Month

Description: 30+3

Down payment: تومان162,000 (25.00%)

Number of payments: 3

Tax: تومان0

Amount of payment: تومان168,480

Overpayment: تومان19,440

Total: تومان667,440

Current plan: Cash

Description: نقدی

Down payment: تومان0 (0.00%)

Number of payments: 1

Tax: تومان0

Amount of payment: تومان648,000

Overpayment: تومان0

Total: تومان648,000

Biodinamica - PUMICE POWDER


Finishing and Polishing Material


Indicated for cleaning and polishing of dental enamel, cohesive gold, amalgam and acrylic resin.



pumice powder aim to promote the abrasion of dental surfaces or restorations, being used with the help of rubber cups, giving besides cleaning, a uniform surface.

  • Pure Material;
  • Perfect particle size.

It has flip top lid, ergometrically tested for easy opening and perfect seal.


100g bottles of Pumice Powder

Reference : 7250

Data sheet

  • Biodinamica
  • Brazil

Specific References

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Biodinamica - Pumice Powder

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