Gum Disease Treatment May Improve Diabetes Symptoms

Published : Modified :03/09/2025 - Categories : Dandal News






Intensive treatment for gum disease may help some people with type 2 diabetes by lowering their blood glucose level and reducing chronic inflammation, both of which can lead to cardiovascular and kidney problems, reports the University College London Eastman Dental Institute.

More than 250 patients with poorly controlled diabetes and active periodontitis participated in the study. After 12 months, those who received the more intensive gum therapy had reduced their blood glucose level by an average of 0.6%. They also showed reduced chronic inflammation, which could lower their risk of serious diabetes-related complications such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.

    Gum Disease and Diabetes


“Gum disease is closely linked to diabetes and it is well known that it can lead to a higher blood glucose level as well as chronic inflammation in the body, which both could promote the development of kidney and vessel damage if sustained for long periods of time,” said Francesco D’Aiuto, PhD, lead researcher and professor of periodontology.

“This is the first long-term, randomized study to show a substantial benefit of treating gum disease on diabetes control. Lowering blood glucose level by 0.6% is the equivalent of prescribing a patient an additional, second blood sugar-lowering drug,” said D’Aiuto.   

The researchers now plan a larger study at the national level to test the possible benefit of treating gum disease in patients who are at risk of heart attacks or strokes.

The study, “Systemic Effects of Periodontitis Treatment in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A 12 Month, Single-Centre, Investigator-Masked, Randomized Trial,” was published by The Lancet: Diabetes & Endocrinology.


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