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Thermal Spray Grade Hydroxyapatite Powder

Published : Modified :02/25/2025 - Categories : Dandal News , Dental Seminars and News

Thermal Spray Grade Hydroxyapatite Powder

 Thermal Spray Grade Hydroxyapatite is the pioneering offering with high chemical purity (assay >99%), indigenously prepared for unparalleled affordability and consistent micro-grade morphological properties to match quality expectations in multifaceted biomedical and clinical applications.

The major constraint in the currently utilized metallic implant is their inflammation effect leading to the formation of fibrotic capsule which restraints the osseointegration of bone cells. Surface modification of the metallic implant is one of the ways to control these functionalities. Due to its structural, compositional and mineralogical similarity with the inorganic phase of human bone and teeth, hydroxyapatite coatings is one of the best methods of surface modification of metallic implant. Hydroxyapatite coating favours enhanced osteoconductivity and reduces the healing time of the bone fracture. 

Thermal Spray Grade Hydroxyapatite Powder

Ceramat synthesizes the thermal spray grade hydroxyapatite powders for coating applications with high quality adhesion. This grade is specifically synthesized for plasma spray coating application having excellent rheological properties, morphology and wide range of particle size which imparts variety of surface morphological characteristics to coated implants leading to their superior bone bonding ability with the surrounding bone tissue.  

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