Master Dent - Ultimate Bonding

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Expired date: 02/28/2026 (2026-02-28)

  • 19-215
  • Out stock
  • Free

Pay in installments

Choose your plan:

Current plan: 3Month

Description: 30+3

Down payment: تومان237,500 (25.00%)

Number of payments: 3

Tax: تومان0

Amount of payment: تومان247,000

Overpayment: تومان28,500

Total: تومان978,500

Current plan: Cash

Description: نقدی

Down payment: تومان0 (0.00%)

Number of payments: 1

Tax: تومان0

Amount of payment: تومان950,000

Overpayment: تومان0

Total: تومان950,000


Ultimate Bond



Master-Dent Ultimate Bond creates a chemical bond between dentin/enamel and all restorative materials. A single, light cured component that does not require mixing. Easy to use. Microleakage is minimized. Secondary caries are reduced. Excellent compatibility. Relieves hypersensitivity. Provides root surface desensitization. Combines mono and polymethacrylate resins with HEMA (hydroxyethylmethacrylate) to produce desired hydrophylic properties. Solvent free. 


- One-step bonding agent
- Bonds chemically to all restorative materials
- Excellent biocompatibility
- Relieves hypersensitivity
- Root surface desensitization

Reference : 19-215

Data sheet

  • Dentonics - Master Dent
  • USA
  • 5th generation Adhesive

Specific References

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Master Dent - Ultimate Bonding

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