CSM Implant


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Number of payments: 1

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Amount of payment: تومان1

Overpayment: تومان0

Total: تومان1

CSM Systems Overview

CSM - Submerged

Hex Connection


Diameter 3.5 - 3.8 - 4.2 - 4.6 - 5.3

Height 8 - 10 - 12 - 14

CSM - Submerged II

Double Hex Connection


Diameter 3.5 - 4 - 4.5 - 5

Height 8 - 9 - 10 - 12 - 14

CSM - Submerged III

Double Hex (3.6) and Hex (4-4.8) Connection


Diameter 3.6 - 4 - 4.4 - 4.8

Height 8 - 10 - 12 - 14

Internal Submerged

Octa Connection


Diameter 3.5 - 4.1 - 4.8

Height 8 - 10 - 12 - 14

For more information Click on the above pictures.

  •     Ratchet with torque gauge
  •     Low price
  •     One driver for 3.8-5.3 sizes
  •     Various prosthetic components
  •        One drill for 8 / 10 and 12 / 14 mm lengths
  •       So many drill in surgical kit
  •      Separated driver for 3.5 mm fixtures



CSM Implant System

1- Submerged


  • Hex Connection and Morse taper 11º ---> Prevention of  bacterial penetrations and decrease bone loss
  • Super micro thread (6 lines of micro threads) ---> Help quick placement, increase excellent initial stability and minimized bone less
  • Dynamic body thread ---> Allows quick insertion and reduce the friction force
  • Cutting edge ---> Self-tapping and primary stability
  • RBM surface treatment ---> High osseointegration
  • Laser surface treatment ---> Possibility of immediate loading
  • Rounded apex ---> Reduced bone strength or sinus mandibular nerve
  • Cylindrical shape
  • Platform switching



2- Submerged II

submerged ii-csm   

  • Double Hexagon Connection and Morse taper 11º ---> Prevention of  bacterial penetrations and decrease bone loss
  • Super micro thread (6 lines of micro threads) ---> Help quick placement, increase excellent initial stability and minimized bone less
  • Dynamic body thread ---> Allows quick insertion and reduce the friction force
  • RBM surface treatment ---> High osseointegration
  • Cylindrical shape
  • Cutting edge ---> Self-tapping and primary stability
  • Platform switching



3- Internal


  • Double Octagon Connection and Morse taper 8º ---> Prevention of  bacterial penetrations and decrease bone loss
  • Machined collar
  • RBM surface treatment ---> High osseointegration
  • Super micro thread (6 lines of micro threads) ---> Help quick placement, increase excellent initial stability and minimized bone less
  • Cutting edge ---> Self-tapping and primary stability
  • Rounded apex ---> Reduced bone strength or sinus mandibular nerve
  • Cylindrical (Straight) and Tapered shape
  • Dynamic body thread ---> Allows quick insertion and reduce the friction force
  • Platform switching



4- The newest product of CSM is Submerged III

  • Internal Hex for 3.6 diameter and double Hex connection for 4 to 4.8 diameters, this system is compatible with Submerged system.
  • Active RBM surface
  • Powerful Thread ---> Reduce stress and increase its stability
  • Intensity cutting edge


Author: Review department of Dandal.ir

First Release Date: 2/Nov/2014

Last Modified: 15/May/2016




  • A removal torque of the laser-treated titanium implants in rabbit tibia. Biomaterials. 2003 Nov;24(26):4859-63
  • Comparison of osseointegration between laser-etched and magnesium-incorporated oxidized implants in the rabbit femur. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2013 May-Jun;28(3):77
  • Comparison of Removal Torques for Laser-Treated Titanium Implants With Anodized Implants. J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Jul;22(4):1491-5
  • Evaluation of a predictive model for implant surface topography effects on early osseointegration in the rat tibia model. J Prosthet Dent. 2001 Jan;85(1):40-6
  • New Bone Formation Following Sinus Membrane Elevation Without Bone Grafting: Histologic Findings in Humans. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Jan;26(1):83-90
  • Retrospective chart analysis on survival rate of fixtures installed at the tuberosity bone for cases with missing unilateral upper molars: a study of 7 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Jun;68(6):1338-44
  • Retrospective multicenter study of CSM endosseous dental implant. J Korean Acad Prosthodont. 2007 Jun 45(3):321-328
  • The bone integration effects of platelet-rich fibrin by removal torque of titanium screw in rabbit tibia. Platelets. 2014;25(8):562-6
  • The effects of laser etching on shear bond strength at the titanium ceramic interface. J Prosthet Dent. 2009 Feb;101(2):101-6
  • The effect of water pyrolysis on the removal torque of titanium implant inserted in rabbit tibias. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Feb;22(2):157-64
  • The influence of systemically administered oxytocin on the implant-bone interface area: an experimental study in the rabbit. J Adv Prosthodont. 2014 Dec;6(6):505-11
  • The relation between surface roughness and interfacial shear strength for bone-anchored implants. A mathematical model. J Biomech. 1999 Aug;32(8):829-36
  • The removal torque of titanium screw inserted in rabbit tibia treated by dual acid etching. Biomaterials. 2003 Sep;24(20):3611-7


Reference :

Data sheet

  • CSM
  • South Korea
  • 2000
  • 1392
  • 4
  • RBM
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • 8mm to 14mm
  • Hex | Double Hex | Octa
  • Yes
  • Fixture + Cover Screw
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • 5-8Ncm
  • 35Ncm
  • Warranty
  • Tapered | Straight
  • No
  • 3.5mm to 5.3mm
  • CE | FDA

Specific References

New product

Products accessories

Dendal specialized magazine

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بعد از جراحی 55 الی 65 تا فیکسچر حتما دریل های رد تعویض گردند.



this implant compatible with other system


سیستم ارزان

csm نسبتی به هزینه ای که برای هر فیکسچر آن پرداخت میکنی ایمپلنت قابل قبولی هست هرچند به پای سیستم ها اروپایی و آمریکایی نمیرسد.


سفت نشدن فيكسچر در دورهاي آخر

من در حدود ٦ ماه هست كه به عنوان سيستم دوم در مطب استفاده ميكنم و مشكلي ه داشتم بعد از دريلينگ وقتي شروع به بستن فيكسچر ميكردم در دورهاي آخر هرز ميگشت كه بعد مدتي فهميدم يك دريل كمتر بزنم مشكل حل مي شود اما در استخوان هاي خيلي نرم شايد با دو دريل اول كار انجام شود چون خود فيكسچرها خاصيت self taping دارند. اين سيستم رو به افراد كه براي اولين بار ميخواهند سيستمي را خريداري كنند پيشنهادي نميكنم.

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CSM Implant

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