SIC Implant Systems Overview
Hex Connection
3.4 diameter doesn't have the 6mm height. |
Diameter 3.4 - 4 - 4.5 - 5
Height 6 - 7.5 - 9.5 - 11.5 - 13 - 14.5
Hex Connection
3.7 diameter doesn't have the 6mm height. |
Diameter 3.7 - 4.2 - 4.7 - 5.2
Height 6 - 7.5 - 9.5 - 11.5 - 13 - 14.5
SICvantage max
Conical Connection
3 diameter doesn't have the 7.5mm height. |
Diameter 3 - 3.7 - 4.2 - 4.7 - 5.2
Height 7.5 - 9.5 - 11.5 - 13 - 14.5
SICmax onepiece
Diameter 2.8
Height 9.5 - 13
SIC Provisional
Diameter 2.3
Height 10 - 13
For more information Click on the above pictures. |
SIC implant systems set standards in contemporary dental implant therapy. They represent a unique synthesis of many innovative ideas, the influence of recent scientific discoveries and the requirements inferred from many years of practical work with implants. The construction features designed to increase therapeutic safety and effectiveness in conjunction with ultramodern manufacturing technology, high-quality technical design and incomparable precision guarantee above-average long-term clinical results and excellent aesthetic results. As a result of constant efforts to improve user-friendliness, not least through feedback from the Schilli Implantology Circle, the implantologist can experience the "intelligent functionality" of our implant systems in daily practical use. This feature assists him or her in avoiding process errors and increasing process quality in implantological practice.
Together with the clear architecture of the system and the uniform surgical instruments this is one more reason why enthusiastic users again and again try to describe the SIC implant systems with a simple formula:
SIC implant systems – Safely simple – Simply safe
SIC Implant systems:
1- SICace
2- SICmax
3- SICmax onepiece
4- SIC provisional implant

Common feature between all SIC systems:
SICmatrix ---> The blasted, thermo-etched, microrough surface captivates by its proven homogeneity and absolute purity without any contamination with foreign substances. These properties guarantee the user a secure, long-term stable osseointegration.
Common features between SICac and SICmax:
- Crestal horizontal inset narrowing with 45° angle to reduce the diameter in the region of the implant-abutment joint ---> Platform Switching ---> Reduction of the crestal bone remodeling and help to preserve and support the hard and soft tissue
- Internal hexagon ---> Rotanionally stable interlocking fit between implant and abutment and reduce the occurrence of micromovements and guarantees that the retaining screw will remain in place without being exposed to the risk of screw loosening or screw breakage
- The Rounded apex without a direct thread cut was constructed for use in the upper posterior region, especially with all forms of sinus lift
- The SICmax implant can be restored prosthetically with all components of the SICace system
1. SICac Implant System
- Cylindrical shape with initially tapered apical cut edge to enable greater ease of insertion
- The self-tapping thread design with a reduced pitch and a special thread profile enables easy and secure implant placement and provides perfect primary stability. reduced torque during implant insertion, increased primary stability and a markedly increased implant surface for osseointegration
- Suitable for all indications in oral implantology, even difficult anatomical situations, and for use in conjunction with augmentation techniques
- Use of the SICace implant can be recommended unreservedly in bone of D1 to D3 quality
- The SIC drill system guarantees atraumatic preparation of the implant site and, together with the thread morphology, it enables high primary stability of the implant to be achieved, regardless of bone quality.
- The SICace implants are provided in the diameters 3.4 mm, 4.0 mm, 4.5 mm and 5.0 mm each with the lengths 7.5 mm, 9.5 mm, 11.5 mm, 13.0 mm and 14.5 mm. This improves utilisation of the different bone qualities as efficiently as possible.

2. SICmax Implant System
- Microthread in the upper portion with crestal decompression zone ---> Improve specifically the primary stability in soft bone ---> Immediate implantation
- Use in the upper posterior region, especially with all forms of sinus lift
- Suitability for soft bone ---> Bone qualities D2 to D4
- Excellent thread morphology ---> Guarantee very great primary stability

3. SICmax Onepiece Implant System

- One-piece implant --> Flexible prosthetic and cost-effectiveness
- Basic cylindrical shape, with parallel-walled thread flanks and initially apical cut edge
- Conical widened implant core in the crestal thread portion
- Conical broadened, threadless, gingival emergence site
- Conical guiding and retention base
- Multifunctional prosthetic connection ---> Conical torx index-based prosthetic connection with removable, spherical male section at the end
- Economical and minimally invasive restoration by means of an O-ring attachment or the cementable SIC Retention Attachment
- Fixed cemented bridges or single tooth restorations when the available space is reduced
4. SIC Provisional Implant

- One-piece implant and fixed interim restoration
- Required instruments ---> A drill and an insertion instrument

- Both an O-ring attachment for fixing a prosthesis and a tapered abutment for cementing a bridge are available for prosthetic restoration.
- Made of grade 4 titanium and have outstanding stability to accept the temporary restoration
- The insertion process is simple and safe as usually only one pre-drill is necessary
5. SICvantage max Implants
Innovative conical implant-abutment connection that combines the new-type efficient workflow from the temporary to the final restoration. Efficiency is increased while maximum safety remains constant.