Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve

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Perceval Aortic Heart Valve


Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve


Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve  

Perceval is the 100% sutureless valve for aortic valve replacement. It is designed to be highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of surgical approaches, including traditional and minimally invasive.

The Biological Valve of Choice In AVR

The truly sutureless solution in AVR
 Perceval helps reducing complexity even in challenging and time consuming procedures


With a reproducible surgical technique
Perceval allows precise positioning both in MICS and traditional surgery

At your side in every day practice
Perceval is a valuable option to reduce post-operative complications



Innovation Starts at its Core

A distinctive design built around a super elastic stent with unique features and mechanical behavior.


Stent Elacticity

  • The elastic structure aims at reproducing the stress absorption properties of the native tissue at the valve commissures level.
  • The Perceval valve passed a test 3 times harder than what is required by the I.S.O. and F.D.A. guidance (no failure after 600 million cycles)
  • The Perceval stent is able to adapt to the movements of the aorta during the cardiac cycle.


Valve in Valve

Perceval gives patients even broader treatment options for their future. Its exclusive stent design allows even circumferential expansion to accommodate future transcatheter valves, making Perceval a unique foundation for Valve in Valve procedures.


Clear Visibility

The nitinol stent providesclear visibility under fluoroscopy.


Even Circumferential Expansion

The inflow ring can be evenly andcircumferentially expanded to accommodate transcatheter aortic valve placement.


Clear Landmarks

The sinusoidal struts allow identification of clear landmarks which may help avoid coronary ostia obstruction (at annulus level.


More Choice

Perceval valves have a large internal diameter, providing more choice for future transcatheter valve selection.

The decision of performing Valve in Valve procedures is at the discretion of the cardiologist and/or hospital’s heart team, following careful assessment of the individual circumstances of each patient. Currently, no long-term data exists to support the efficacy of the procedure. Valve-in-Valve procedures in a Perceval valve should be performed according to indications provided by the transcatheter valve manufacturer.


Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve

Innovation and Heritage

The Perceval tissue component is based on a double sheet design introduced by LivaNova in 1985. It has shown excellent results in terms of durability.


Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve


Reduced Physiologic Impact of Operation

  • Increased visualization: the reduced collapsed profile prevents damage to the aortic wall enabling a full and direct view.
  • Precise positioning: the temporary guiding sutures guide the valve along the annulus axis even in narrow spaces.
  • Ease of implant: traditional valves require from 15 to 18 permanent sutures. Perceval is a truly sutureless valve.

“Atraumatic insertion of the device with self-anchoring of the prosthetic valve into its final position, minimizing the risk for iatrogenic aortic dissection or thromboembolic stroke”



Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve


Optimized Blood Flow

Thanks to the absence of a suturing ring, the geometric orifice area is maximized providing excellent hemodynamics.



Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve


Designed to Provide Improved Patient Outcomes

Perceval provides significant clinical benefits for the patients:
Reduced physiologic Impact of operation
Perceval features a distinctive design built around a superelastic stent, with unique features and mechanical behavior. The elasticity and shape of the stent are designed to:

  • Collapse the valve for atraumatic and precise positioning
  • Facilitate minimally invasive procedures
  • Provide stress reduction effect at the valve commissures level potentially enhancing valve durability


Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve


Excellent Clinical Outcomes and Faster Recovery

As demonstrated in the large pool of published clinical data, Perceval provides excellent clinical results, comparable to the current gold standard, and provides additional benefits in terms of smoother post operative course and  faster recovery for the patient:

  • Shorter ischemic times (61% reduction) and ECC times.
  • Lower mortality rates (< 3% even in older patients) 2
  • Low early 30 days mortality (1.9%)
  • Low major early paravalvular leak (1.4%)
  • Low early stroke (1.6%)
  • 100% Freedom from SVD at 5 years
  • Reduction of ICU stay (-49%)
  • Reduction of ventilation time (-62%)
  • Less blood transfusion (-42%)

Reference :

Data sheet

  • Sorin Italia Group srl
  • Italy

Specific References

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Sorin - Perceval Aortic Heart Valve

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