What is dental implant?

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Dental Implant


dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor.

Dental implant surgery has several steps for gathering the parts together and then the patient can use it as a natural teeth.

Now, we explain in a simple way that what it means when a person says "I've performed implant surgery"

It has two meanings:

First, it means that dentist has done the first step of the implant surgery, which is the fixture insertion to the bone. In this situation, the patient should wait 2-3 months that the fixture makes contact to the bone, then the next procedure can be carried out.

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Second, it means that dentist has loaded the implant (fixture) to the maxilla and then, after 2-3 months the second part of implant, Healing, is fixed on the fixture to form the gum around it.

Then the third part, named Abutment, with Custom-made Crown that complements the implant is placed instead of Healing. Custom-made Crown attaches to the abutment. At this time, the patient can use denture as a natural teeth.


In both situations, the word of implant is used, but the second situation has the real meaning of implant which refers to the whole parts of implant (each part has a special name and function). You can get more information about all steps in The Steps of Implantation, from dental radiography prescription to paste the customized crown.


Dental implant is used for replacement of one or all the removed teeth. There are two options for all the removed teeth: Fixed or removable dental overdenture.

Dental implant induces the natural senses for chewing in mouth and eliminates indigestion caused by inability to chewing food.


The advantage of dental Implant Vs Bridge:

In bridge that has greater tendency for gum disease caused by use the adjacent teeth as an anchor. So this affects the tooth and tooth decay happens faster. After sometime, adjacent teeth should be removed and another bridge have to be made.

But by having a dental implant which remains longer, the adjacent teeth doesn't affect and decay. Dental implant also stops the bone loss that occurs after teeth removal.

In some cases who patient has removed the teeth years ago or has tumors or cysts in the mouth, the appropriate space, height and diameter of bone has reduced. So dentist reconstructs the bone by use blocks, membranes and granules before or while the fixture insertion that promotes the bone restoration. In this situation, healing time may takes 3-6 months and Dentist can estimate the best time for next step of surgery by radiography. 



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