In order to be more customer oriented and provide superior services, Dendal has provided various facilitating financial solutions for the purchase of dental equipment and supplies.

  • Dendal Yar credit/installment purchase card for all dental products, including consumables and dental equipment that do not require installments.

    Dendal Yar shopping card is a new service as a result of cooperation between Dendal and Saman Bank, which is similar to receiving a loan to purchase dental equipment from the bank, with the advantage that customers can use it at any time, without having any cash or guarantor support. to receive it in absentia.

  • The installment sale of dental equipment is for the purchase of dental equipment in installments (payment in advance and payment of the remaining amount in installments in the coming months). This process is completely online and the terms of each installment are written in the product description.

It should be noted that you can also use the Dandal Yar credit card to buy equipment in installments and benefit from its advantages twice.