Doradent - Dora.HypoEndo-S Sodium Hypochlorite 5.25% 220ml

Expired date: 10/30/2025 (2025-10-30)

  • D14009-220ml
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Doradent - Dora.HypoEndo-S Sodium Hypochlorite 5.25% 220ml


Sodium hypochlorite 5.25%
Liquid for root canal rinsing


Dora-HypoEndo-S 5.25% has a lytic effect in relation with dead and vivid tissue, dissolving organic part of smear layer.

It concerns main root canal and lateral canals which are inaccessible for the instruments.

Dora-HypoEndo-S 5.25% has cleansing and whitening effect on the tooth hard tissues.



  • During mechanical canal widening it removes dead pulp debris.
  • It cleans the canal and removes smear layer to expose dentinal tubuli orifices before canal filling.
  • It prevents from the teeth discoloration that may occur after filling of the root canal which was not rinsed.
  • Recommended for rinsing of the root canals with pulp inflammation.


Package: bottle of 220ml

Reference : D14009-220ml

Data sheet

  • Doradent
  • Iran
  • Sodium hypochlorite

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Doradent - Dora.HypoEndo-S Sodium Hypochlorite 5.25% 220ml

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