IMD - NiTi ReRoot File

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Current plan: 3Month

Description: 30+3

Down payment: تومان147,500 (25.00%)

Number of payments: 3


Amount of payment: تومان153,400

Overpayment: تومان17,700

Total: تومان607,700

Current plan: Cash

Description: نقدی

Down payment: تومان0 (0.00%)

Number of payments: 1


Amount of payment: تومان590,000

Overpayment: تومان0

Total: تومان590,000

imd reroot retreatment file

#22 - T=11% - L=19mm

Speed: 280rpm


#25 - T=8% - L=15mm

#25 - T=6% - L=19mm

#25 - T=4% - L=23mm

#30 - T=4% - L=25mm

Speed: 300 الی 400rpm



NiTi ReRoot File



Advantages Of ReRoot Niti Files

- Effective removal of filling material

- With sharp cutting edge is able to remove filling material easily

- Non-cutting guide tip

Instructions for use:

1. Opener is used for proper access in the root canal.

2. RR1 is used to clean the first 1/3 of the obturation material and can also be used for root canal preparation.

3. RR2 is used to clean the second 1/3 of the obturation material and can also be used to shape the root canals.

4. RR3 is used to clean the third 1/3 of the obturation material and can also be used to prepare the root canals until the apex is reached.

5. RR4 is used for final root canal preparation.

Reference :

Data sheet

  • IMD
  • China
  • 5
  • 1.4-2.5Ncm
  • Retreatment
  • 400rpm

Specific References

  • 019371
  • 432
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IMD - NiTi ReRoot File

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