Golchadent - Cavisol

Expired date: 11/30/2027 (2027-11-30)

  • In stock
  • Free

Pay in installments

Choose your plan:

Current plan: 3Month

Description: 30+3

Down payment: تومان56,047 (25.00%)

Number of payments: 3

Tax: تومان0

Amount of payment: تومان58,289

Overpayment: تومان6,726

Total: تومان230,914

Current plan: Cash

Description: نقدی

Down payment: تومان0 (0.00%)

Number of payments: 1

Tax: تومان0

Amount of payment: تومان224,189

Overpayment: تومان0

Total: تومان224,189

CAVISOL is a persistence material paste that gets hard by contacting saliva in 20sec and have ability to endurance the usual chewing pressure. So it is recommended for temporary reshuffling and filling of cavity during the preparation.


Ingredients: Zing oxide, Zing sulfate, Calcium sulfate, Resin


Reference :

Data sheet

  • Golchai
  • Iran

Specific References

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Golchadent - Cavisol

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