Three Golden Rules for the Successful Implantation

Published : Modified :02/22/2025 - Categories : Article , More Information , Scientific Blog , Surgery & Perio






There is a wide range of obligatory rules and conditions and surgical protocols to conduct an appropriate successful and qualitative implantation. Let us underline tree crucial rules to conduct the dental implantation successfully. In case you ignore them, your patient will definitely seek for a new implantologist.

So, go ahead!


1) Sufficient bone mass

Obviously, insufficiency of bony tissue foremost affects the quality of conducting dental implantation, as it influences the fixation and primary stability of the implant.


Augmenting the bone:

  • Implementing basal membrane
  • Splitting of the alveolar crest
  • Bone autotransplantation
  • Sinus-lifting
  • Regeneration of bone tissue with granules


2) Don’t overheat!

Overheating the bone influences badly the outcome of the operation and leads to atrophy of bone tissue. Consequently, the processes of implant “survival” turn to be impossible.


Implementing drills appropriately:

  • Changing drills well-timed. Resource doesn’t exceed 30-40 autoclaving cycles (40-50 autoclaving cycles for the drills with diamond-like surface).
  • Keeping account on the autoclaving cycles for each drill.
  • Using drills of the appropriate size.
  • Choosing the right treatment according to the bone type and clinical situation.
  • Using drills with external and internal cooling.

Don’t forget to:

  • Accurately follow the instruction for processing surgical instruments.
  • Cool physiological solution to the required temperature.

3) Right tension!

The force of screwing the implant into the bone is of crucial importance for the implantation. Excessive force can lead to the bone necrosis and deterioration of its trophicity. In conclusion, osteointegration of the implant with the bone is unlikely.


Screwing the implants accurately!

  1. Forming the bone site without excessive tension. Following the protocols about the speed of drilling for each bone type (see more information about our cycle “Reasons of failed implantation” – just write us!).
  2. Drilling with interrupted and translational movements with variable pressure 1-2 seconds.
  3. Don’t exceed maximal force for the implantation 60-70N.


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